The event will present a white paper submitted to the Annie E. Casey Foundation by the Democracy Collaborative of the University of Maryland that initiates a conversation aimed at developing some common indicators and metrics for use in measuring community engagement. Anchor institutions will be asked to review, endorse, and eventually deploy the Collaborative's proposed indicators and metrics.
The white paper sets forth 12 common indicators – that is, areas of community engagement where anchor institutions agree to measure the effectiveness of their community work at the institutional level. It also proposes a series ofmetrics – ways to evaluate progress on the selected indicators. The proposed indicators and metrics fall into four broad categories:
- Economic development;
- Public health, environment, and safety;
- Public schools and education; and
- Community leadership and capacity building.
We believe that developing a viable set of indicators will help anchor institutions achieve a more concerted and strategic focus on equitable, inclusive, and place-based development. Please join us on October 2nd, and be a part of this important discussion.
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Brooke-Mondale Auditorium Suites A&B
451 7th Street SW
Washington, DC 20410
This event will also be webcast live. Additional details for the webcast will be provided soon.
- Sherone Ivey, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of University Partnerships/PD&R
- Kinnard Wright, Grants Specialist, Office of University Partnerships/PD&R
- Steve Dubb, Research Director, the Democracy Collaborative, University of Maryland
- Sarah McKinley, Research Associate, the Democracy Collaborative, University of Maryland
- Ted Howard, Executive Director, the Democracy Collaborative, University of Maryland
- Charles Rutheiser, Senior Associate, the Annie E. Casey Foundation