Dear Colleague,
I'm writing to announce the launch of a new Democracy Collaborative web As you will see below, there's much to report. There's also much more to explore at our new site, as well as in the “Spotlights” and recommended site links below.
Because of your interest in democracy, civil society and/or community-based wealth building, I have taken the liberty of subscribing you to our email newsletter. However, should you wish to unsubscribe at anytime, you can use the link at the end of this message to do so. Of course, we invite you to take a few moments to explore our new web site. We hope you will find it to be a rich and valuable resource, and please "stay tuned" as our new site will be continually updated with new content.
Ted Howard
Executive Director, The Democracy Collaborative

Building Wealth: The New Asset-Based Approach to Solving Social and Economic Problems
The first across-the-board survey of innovative, asset-based strategies that are advancing social purposes. This path-breaking report by The Democracy Collaborative demonstrates that local community-based models of ownership are already creating jobs, fostering local democratic practice, expanding the tax base to support public services, and promoting stability and community development. Published by the Aspen Institute's Nonprofit Sector and Philanthropy Program.
“The New Heroes”
The New Heroes is a four-hour PBS series that travels the globe to explore the ideas and impact of "social entrepreneurs" who are making the world a better place. The program premieres Tuesday, June 28 and July 5, from 8 to 10 p.m. on PBS stations nationwide (check local listings). Visit to see clips from some of the social enterprises featured in the show, as well as links to many groups supporting social enterprise in the United States and abroad. The program is supported by the Skoll Foundation and hosted by Robert Redford.
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The top 1% of Americans receive more income than the bottom 100 million of our citizens combined… and other startling facts about the state of our economy and our democracy. Send these e-mail posters to your friends and build the conversation about economic democracy.
A Real Ownership Society | by Gar Alperovitz
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A leading political-economist argues that there is a progressive alternative to President Bush's “ownership society.”
No Way to Run a Soccer Team | by Thad Williamson
An American businessman has bought the world's most famous sport's franchise. British fans wonder if the “logic of the market” will destroy their club.
Universities as Economic Engines
publications/universities/article-howard.pdf (125KB)
America's universities are reviving their historic mission to help strengthen democracy and build local communities.
Bread and Butter Issues on the Ballot | By Hans Johnson
Despite the focus on anti-gay referendums, progressive ballot initiatives may have been the real story in the last election. What about 2006?
Community Wealth Ventures, Inc. is a social enterprise consulting firm that helps nonprofit organizations become more self-sustaining by generating revenue through business ventures and corporate partnerships.
The National Center for Employee Ownership is a private, nonprofit membership and research organization that serves as the leading source of information on employee ownership.
The Institute on Assets and Social Policy promotes and advances individual asset-building policy choices that promise to reduce hunger and poverty in the nation by addressing their root causes. (no longer active)
The MBD community development corporation has played a key role in helping to turn around the once devastated East Carmona Park neighborhood of the South Bronx.