Founded in 1921 by five black businessmen, today Citizens Trust Bank is a federally certified CDFI and one of the largest African American owned financial institutions in the nation with assets of more than $388 million. Guided by its mission to financially empower customers and their families to succeed, the bank launched a free educational program in 2015 to educate young adults about budgeting, money management, and the tools needed to acquire, build, and sustain wealth.Founded in 1921 by five black businessmen, today Citizens Trust Bank is a federally certified CDFI and the third largest African American owned financial institution in the nation with assets of more than $350 million. In 2006, the Fannie Mae Foundation agreed to deposit $1.5 million in the bank to support expansion of the bank's minority community lending.
Founded in 1991 and certified as a CDFI in 1998, the Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership (ANDP) works to promote, create, and preserve mixed-income communities and the equitable distribution of affordable housing throughout the metropolitan Atlanta region. To do so, the nonprofit engages in direct development, lending, policy research, and advocacy—activities credited with supporting the creation of more than 8,000 housing units for low-to-moderate income people. Through its loan fund, it has provided $36 million in financing to nonprofit and for-profit housing developers, supporting nearly $270 million in housing projects.