Outside the U.S.

Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action

Founded in 1971 as the Association of Voluntary Action Scholars, the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) is committed to strengthening the research community in the emerging field of nonprofit and philanthropic studies. ARNOVA publishes the Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Abstracts of published articles are available on line.

Outside the U.S.

While the mission of Community-Wealth.org is to serve as an information platform for community wealth building within the United States, the forces driving these efforts — most notably, economic globalization and growing fiscal constraints on government — are hardly unique to the United States. It should therefore not be surprising that the community wealth building approach is not unique to our country. Indeed, while the growth of U.S. Read more about Outside the U.S....

Outside the U.S.

Public bodies in Wales urged to 'think local'

Sarah Dickins
BBC News

Cleveland and Preston continue to serve as models for other communities looking to localize economic spending. 

Banking for the many

Laurie Macfarlane and Christine Berry
Open Democracy

In a report with the Communications Worker Union and the Democracy Collaborative, authors Laurie Macfarlane and Christine Berry outline a comprehensive overhaul of the UK banking system that would prioritize public interest as well as go beyond expectations to address climate issues. 

Corbynism 2.01: the radical ideas shaping Labour's future

George Eaton
New Statesman

With a new push for more radical ideas and economic restructuring, Preston, England council leader Matthew Brown has used the Cleveland and Mondragon models to inform his pursuit of local, equitable economics in Preston. 

How Preston – the UK’s “most improved city” – became a success story for Corbynomics

George Eaton
New Statesman

Preston used the Cleveland and Mondragon models, specifically with respect to their use of anchor institutions, to successfully advance worker-ownership and community wealth building in the city. 

Labour Has A Plan

Peter Gowan

The Labour Party, with Jeremy Corbyn as its leader, seeks to create a more economically equitable system through employee ownership. 

Realising Economic Justice in Tanzania - an Interview with Zitto Kabwe - Part I

Martin O'Neill and Joe Guinan

Martin O'Neill and Joe Guinan interview Zitto Kabwe, a political opposition leader in Tanzania who has committed to bringing the corruption of the government to light despite the repression he faces. See Part II of the interview, as well. 

Preston named as most improved city in UK

Richard Partington
The Guardian

Preston is experiencing serious economic benefits after pursuing community wealth building, specifically through the use of anchor institutions. 

Don't believe the Corbyn bashers - the economic case against public ownership is mostly fantasy

Joe Guinan and Thomas Hanna

Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer, Jeremy Corbyn is putting public ownership back on the political agenda. Joe Guinan and Thomas Hanna of the Democracy Collaborative come together to examine frequent claims that public ownership is inherently bureaucratic and inefficient.

New Co-operativism and the FairShares Model

Rory Ridley-Duff
STIR Magazine

In this article, Rory Ridley-Duff discusses the differences between ‘old co-operativism’ and ‘new co-operativism’ and the position of the FairShares Model as part of the latter. The provisions for solidarity between multiple stakeholders make the FairShares Model one of very few Anglo-American approaches to the development of solidarity co-operatives. Reproduced from Issue 7 of STIR Magazine in 2014. 

The Rise of Social Cooperatives in Italy

Antonio Thomas
Voluntas: International Journal ofVoluntary and Nonprofit Organizations

A New European Economic Perspective

Jean-Louis Laville
Review of Social Economy, volume LXI, number 3

Italian Social Cooperatives

Wilda Vanek
Grassroots Economic Organizing Newsletter

Social Solidarity Economy and Related Concepts

Yvon Poirier
Origins and DefinitionsAInternational Perspective

Measuring Impact and Non-financial Returns in Impact Investing: A Critical Overview of Concepts and Practice

Neil Reeder and Andrea Colantonio

This paper draws on a range of relevant literature as well as the authors’ previous practical experience to provide a preliminary overview of underlying concepts. Further it begins to cast a critical eye on the roles and responsibilities within measurement, making more explicit the subjective interpretation of social and environmental return (SER) by investors, and the clash of suppositions taken from other older measurement traditions. In doing so, the paper investigates some of the tensions around breadth of coverage, participation and objectivity, rigour and flexibility, attribution of impact, and the very concept of ‘a return’ itself which currently surround practical measurement. 

In this context, the paper shows how measurement does not yet appear to have found a pragmatic, participative, systematic way forward, and concludes by identifying key research areas that need to be addressed to advance knowledge in this field. Further empirical data collection and analysis will be undertaken in a subsequent series of papers to be published. 

Using an Asset-Based Community Development Approach Globally

Robert H. McNulty
Senior Expert Symposium, Asia-Pacific Creative Communities: A Strategy for the 21st Century

Science Shops as Science-Society Interfaces

Hank A. J. Mulder
2nd Living Knowledge Conference on “Advancing Science and Society Interactions"

Facing New Challenges. Work Integration Social Enterprises in Germany

Ingo Bode, Adalbert Evers and Andreas Schulz
ISTR Workers paper series Toronto, paper presented at Sixth International Conference of the International Society for Third-Sector Research

Democratic Public Ownership for the 21st Century

The Cooperative Party

Noting that a majority of British residents support public ownership of the railways and key utilities, this new paper from the Co-Operative Party calls for modern forms of democratic public ownership. The authors outline how democratic public ownership can lead to productivity gains and protection from government underinvestment in critical infrastructure. The paper outlines what ownership could look like across rail, water, and energy, making actionable recommendations in each sector

Opportunities for Public Procurement Post-Brexit

Matthew Jackson

This report published by the Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES), a UK-based think tank focused on progressive economics, discusses the potential to leverage public spending to build community health. The authors detail how local anchor institutions in Manchester and Preston have already re-directed a significant portion of their procurement to local businesses. The report includes recommendations for scaling this approach across the UK, calling for revised legislation that integrates the economic, social, and environmental value of procurement into public purchasing guidelines.

6 steps to build community wealth

Coop party
Coop Party

Based off the work of the Democracy Collaborative the Coop Party in England releases 6 steps to build community wealth 

Using what we already have to generate local economic growth co-operatively

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The Inclusiveness Index 2016

Stephen Menendian, Elsadig Elsheikh and Samir Gambhir

The majority of comparative metrics assessing the well-being of people in countries omit social cleavages—such as gender and ethnicity—that influence experiences of marginalization and exclusion. To identify policies and interventions that promote inclusivity and equity, the Haas Institute has developed the “Inclusiveness Index.” This new paper explains the development of the Index, which is based on factors such as outgroup violence, political representation, income inequality, and rates of incarceration. Based on these metrics, the US is ranked as having low inclusivity globally. The authors then apply the index to the US internally, noting the geographic concentration of incarceration, persistent income inequality, and discriminatory laws.

Making Room for a Planet of Cities

Shlomo Angel, Jason Parent, Daniel L. Civco and Alejandro M. Blei

Worker Co-operative Success Stories

Co-operative Secretariat, in cooperation with the Canadian Federation of Worker Co-operatives